Mark Lewis Wagner is a traditional/digital artist, and educator. He has worked as a concept artist in the film industry, graphic designer, illustrator, author, musician, street painter, and fine artist. Clients have been the Smithsonian Institution – Museum of Natural History, Pixar/Disney, SpaceX, Target, CBS Interactive, PG&E, Oakland Museum, Oakland Zoo, and Tomorrow’s Women.

Wagner’s first artistic adventures were in rural Pennsylvania as a second grader when he began to draw monsters and spaceships. Fast forward several years ago he worked on the Pixar/Disney feature film “John Carter” drawing monsters and spaceships. Wagner credits his brother for sparking a desire to draw, and his mother for her encouragement.

He has a MA from John F. Kennedy University in “Art & Consciousness”, and a BFA in “Art & Design” from Pratt Institute. Wagner has taught art and creativity in digital art colleges, graduate school, state prison, and is currently teaching art live and online at Chabot College in Hayward CA. He spends half the year in Oakland CA, and the other half in his studio in rural Northern New Mexico.

He is the Founder and Creative Director of the nonprofit Drawing on Earth. He has creatively worked with over 40,000 kids and adults, drawn on 3 continents, has two world record chalk drawings, and has created six pieces of art photographed by satellites. 

Published Author of Three Books.
1) Hot off the press: Graffiti Wars: When Art Saved the World.
2) Drawing on Earth: The Making of a World Record. 
3) The Art of Being a Dad.